Artifact will let you build decks online and then import them into the game

Artifact will let you build decks online and then import them into the

A pre-release preview tournament for Valve's CCG Artifact is running on SteamTV this weekend, and no doubt anyone watching will be itching to get their hands on their own deck. Online deck builders have already started popping up, letting players tweak their card combinations—and now Valve has released tools that will make it easy for players to import any decks they've built online straight into the game.

The developer has released a CardSet WebAPI that will allow third-party Artifact sites to pull card images and text straight onto a web page, as well as deck code API, which will make it easier to share codes generated for customised decks. You'll be able to copy and paste those codes directly into Artifact to pull the cards into the game, or view your deck in Valve's online deck viewer, it said.

PCGamer: Artifact will let you build decks online and then import them into the game
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